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Classified Ad Form

Classified ads are published in all five Advertisers and can

be viewed on our website.


Please note our pricing changes effective 3/1/2024.



  • Price: $22 minimum charge includes 25 words.
    $.75 for each word after 25.

  • Telephone numbers count as 2 words.

  • Email addresses & Web sites count as 3 words

  • Reverse type - Add $10 per week.

  • Border - add $10 per week.

  • Replies c/o Advertiser - add $10 per week.

  • Classified ads must be received by 3 p.m. Wednesday for the next publication.

  • Copy changes or cancellations are due by noon Wednesday.

  • Sorry, but there are no refunds once an ad has been placed.

  • The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time.

  • Error Responsibilities:

    • Claim for adjustment due to errors must be made within 7 days of publication date.

    • The publisher is ONLY liable for the first run.

    • It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check the accuracy of the ad.


Classified Information
(*Denotes required field.)

Billing Information
(*Denotes required field.)

Credit Card Information

Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover
(*Denotes required field.)

Thanks for submitting!

Charges will be processed on the day of ad placement. If you
have a question or would like to speak with a Classified sales
representative with your personal information instead of placing
it on the web, please contact us - 715-327-4236.

3% Fee on Credit Card Charges
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