Classified ads are published in all five Advertisers and can
be viewed on our website.
Please note our pricing changes effective 3/1/2024.
Price: $22 minimum charge includes 25 words.
$.75 for each word after 25.
Telephone numbers count as 2 words.
Email addresses & Web sites count as 3 words
Reverse type - Add $10 per week.
Border - add $10 per week.
Replies c/o Advertiser - add $10 per week.
Classified ads must be received by 3 p.m. Wednesday for the next publication.
Copy changes or cancellations are due by noon Wednesday.
Sorry, but there are no refunds once an ad has been placed.
The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time.
Error Responsibilities:
Claim for adjustment due to errors must be made within 7 days of publication date.
The publisher is ONLY liable for the first run.
It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check the accuracy of the ad.